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Today is Sunday, March 30, 2025, 16:24 (UTC/GMT).

Chestnut-naped antpitta
The chestnut-naped antpitta (Grallaria nuchalis) is a species of bird in the antpitta family, Grallariidae. Found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, it inhabits bamboo stands in temperate to humid montane forest, and in the undergrowth of adjacent forest that lacks bamboo, at elevations between 2,000 and 3,000 metres (6,600 and 9,800 feet). It is known to feed on insects and other invertebrates, and sings mostly at dawn and dusk, usually from a hidden low perch. This chestnut-naped antpitta of the subspecies G. n. ruficeps was photographed in Las Tángaras, a nature reserve in Chocó Department, Colombia.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp
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"The game of chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind are to be acquired and strengthened by it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions; for life is a kind of chess." — American philosopher, scientist, and author Benjamin Franklin